Github Actions
Quick Start
Workflows are defined in the .github/workflows directory in a repository. A repository can have multiple workflows, each which can perform a different set of tasks
Events that trigger workflows
Environment Variables
Get current date and time in GitHub workflows
My Workflow
不同分支下 workflow 名称相同(非 yml 文件名称相同)时,即使触发事件发生,workflow 可能也不会启动。
Multi-platform image with GitHub Actions
最佳实践-使用Github Actions来构建跨平台容器镜像
Writes all result files as a single tarball on the client
导出 tar 包,便于后续将其发布到 Github Releases:
List of output destinations (format: type=local,dest=path)
Set the export action for the build result (-o, --output)
未正确设置可能导致由 tarball 导入得到的 Docker image 不可用,故工作流中换成了从 Docker Hub 拉取 Docker image,再导出为 tarball 这种方式。
Github Pages
My Workflow
Deploy Your VitePress Siteeploy Your VitePress Site
Github Releases
My Workflow
A GitHub Action for creating GitHub Releases on Linux, Windows, and macOS virtual environments